

Arben Çokaj - Mrekulli n'katror - poezi


( Some of my poetries… )

Love of a woman

Youth of pavements
Silence in sorrow

Destruction of values

[ Short Stories ] – EN [ Poezi ] [ Danish Lyrics ] – AL

Love of a woman

They both were gathered
to go somewhere high
where others can’t reach…

On a half-slept memory
the precious love of a woman turns
a dizzily image of her
and her kittenish caprice…

She was open-minded, oh precious time!
Calm, spontaneous, lovely
a word of mine makes her face red
and her ecliptic oscillations…

It seemed to be the first time, but I didn’t believe
a modern girl, intelligent
why she hesitated, I couldn’t understand
the insecurity of a strong feeling…

We both met each other accidentally
among other people in an over crowded hall
a sparkle of feeling her face shined
this way she relaxed on me…

Strange, like in a mythological scene
she leaded her face towards me
I bend a little on these critical moments
the pollen of a kiss we gave to the lips…

August 31, 2002


Whom else, but ‘Albi’

Sitting crossed legs over the working desk,
Sadly notes on the face of time,
The noisy people keep silence, far from a fragile peace,
Negligent silhouette on the knocking door.
My sight falls there, where a lost voice
is heard,
I meaninglessly keep the stagnation,
I want to blow the madness with a fist,
People are shameless.
Sadly notes fall on the face of time,
Noble petals splendor on the black eyes,
I can’t find peace with my soul torn,
Silence; is death!
I’ll run away, somewhere I’ll disappear,
Where people don’t recognize my face…
In my memory-bag I’ll carry till the end memories,
I’ll peel the erosion of my conscience,
Like an onion in its nudity.
Sadly notes remain on the face of time,
You keep silence, the insane judgment cries out
I’ll never forget the goodness of this world,
The badness – is ignored,
On the bottom of its coffin…

Summer, 1993 – before I left Albania.


A rampant and impatient horse,
The sight of the light brought from outside
Temporary. Accidentally.
The chance of the cave-snow, where the rays of the sun
fall rarely,
Unconsciousness, subconsciousness, consciousness
Chaotic behavior of creatures called
Beastly order and spontaneity
Madness, insanity, rare wisdom
Without any example
Smelted on a sculpture – amalgam
Thoughts, purposes
On the moon-light night
Smiling and laughing
Crying and offending
The screen falls.

September 24, 1992

The Director

On the passage of exchanged years
The sadness disfigured the smile
People continue the grotesque imitation
of defects without a habitual habit.
The mute swallows were flying without a reason
Babbling meaninglessly the prompters in distance
The words were heavy for an empty stomach
Missing food became the brain numbed murky.
The anemic applause surveyed rightfully,
The dictionary of the scenario of poor-minded directors,
Faces, which changed the sight on the air,
Wise people couldn’t imagine.
Engels on earth badly has fallen
Sins of this earth will get for sure
You couldn’t laugh cleanliness
Because your place was in heaven.
The notorious scenario continues the application
The innocence is not used by the innocents
Unfortunately, people don’t know the meaning
Of ironic, the director was showing.
A confession was often given to Enigma
By the calvary of the thoughts in silence
A judgment was awfully repeated
“Knowledge, means death, death”.

January 11, 1993

Youth of pavements

Pleasure was disfigured on the flagstones
Hopes lost the humans
And labor doesn’t work any longer…
Even the green grass is not attractive any more
Nor the flowers are blossom
Because of coldness
Has begin to shut up the twitters
The migrants have no strength to fly
Dreams only of the west fly
Happiness is a privilege of liars
On sale – indefinitely
Young people keep smiling
In a nonsense
The tiresome pavements unfolded through
The forgotten books
Pages are torn as the leafs of the soul
On pavements are sleeping Great Illusions
Pathetic promises are satisfied
On pavements the hair gets grey of
The youth.

February 22, 1993

Silence in sorrow

No words
Only a frighten exclamation
No! no!
Something more,
Hey, people!
The grandeur don’t speak
Others speak about it.
On her eyes
Shines differently
The sun
He doesn’t stand
Scornful grimace
The moon on its reflection
over the turbid water
A golden peace is needed
For himself
For the others
Beauty, which suffers
Light shiver of a crystal
Shining diamonds.

July 11, 1994

Destruction of values

Some wealth, a mind
Body like the others
A heart
A honest feeling
A strong character
A well-formed breast
A head.
Looking at your nude body
With pleasant lines of muscles
Beauty of the face
Sweet of the lips
Warm passion of love
Adorable intoxication
The mister of imagination gives me right
To think the unthinkable
The end of life
After some years.



Under a very hot sun, undressed are the trees spread around
On morning, the earth evaporate the last water of the drizzle
It seems as if the leaf is crying, because the autumn approach
With pleasant rains and rush…
And the sweet fruits, oh sweet.

August 1992


Waves of the see waving the sailing boat
Speed determine the direction
For the acrobat above the water
Surfing – twisting waves
From down-up pushing or vice-versa
To throw him at a moment… to the bottom.
Waves of life oscillate you among other people
You can’t get the warmth from the others
Because you frighten to give warmth
The waves of life do not respect the order,
as the waves of the see
Interfere suddenly
And I impolitely remember always people
Do not lose your way.

August 26, 1992


Ju lutem, lini komentin tuaj!
Ju lutem, fut emrin tuaj këtu