Short Stories

Short Stories
Because they are brief, short stories must be carefully crafted in order to accomplish its purpose. In most short stories, one main character faces a conflict that is worked out in the plot of the story.

Short Stories

( Some of my short stories )

[ Poetries ]


The land was covered everywhere by water. Decomposed grass-plots were alive as a kingdom of blood suckers. If you put the foot on it, you’d be bottomed in, as on a catching mud. The overshoes sometimes, used to be small boats for saving lives, but with them, nothing was sure. It was just like, as if you were fighting with ping-pong pistols against a majority of heavy guns.

The leeches drank into blood, (only if you didn’t fall on their peck). The country was populated mostly by those special inhabitants. Somewhere you met any watery tree. Somewhere a forgotten boat. Roots of trees were put in the bottom of this unsteady amount of mud, you couldn’t trust. It was strange. Nobody could guess that such a time will ever come.

Watery flood. The leafs of the grass were covered by brown – black spots. They couldn’t drink more. Though the children continued to be born weakling. No one could heal the grass-plots. It was a general disease. The land became a self-killer.

Although, the land resisted…

When life is simplified into genital organs

Technological tins. I don’t know, why I’ve got this sight of them, seeing lips erotically sticking each-other. A grotesque experience black and white. I pass on silence the filmic sequences, which comes true. Nobody pays attention to my walking. I like this kind of careless. Really, I like to be careless. The filmic sequences gives me a taste of mushrooms. I act as if I eat, while I eat a lot. I remember the sequences I saw on silence. Sticking lips. A grotesque tired erotically impulse. The colors black and white mixes, creating a mixed interference.

It’s not a very long time ago, I came to this place. A very few days to see what happens mostly. A blond girl with her dog was going along to the train-station. She sat her eyes on the passengers, smiled with her soul, which springs somewhere down. Mind is located on the same place. Someone says: “Mind is located between the legs!” The last report of the Physiological Institute. A valuable modernist concept. The same did the blond girl on the train-station.

She laughed a lot, when a black man pointed his genital organs. She was satisfied and he, the black man, was yelling “Ha, ha… Ha, ha!”… showing with his hand, his important tool, “the third leg”. Obviously, the most valuable thing on his body. (It circulates a rumour, that black people are very healthy on this tool.) That’s why the blond girl was laughing. That’s why the black man was yelling. Life is composed very simple these days. You have to use it’s natural resourses!…

They liked very much advertising. Music, a-ha music. ‘Heavy metal !’ A purgative death on her knees. Contraceptive pills – on the first hand. Simulating pills… before bedtime…

On a big hall were placed the shelves. On the same row, like soldier’s heads. The voices, which comes along were heard very weak. A double colored child’s cry, was breaking my heart. I continued walking aside that “live movie”. Apples were rotten on bough. They served as food for birds. On the moonless night, just the teeth of the human, were appearing. During the sunless day, the blond girl was still laughing on her periodical satisfaction.

A consumed way of living. Humans, like squared robots. Wishes were mixed on the missing satisfaction; reused. They are exploring lost chances on an ugly decadence. On the train station, the couple b-w couldn’t stop laughing. Joking may be, with the last century’s mentality, or with the wonder of the new. The child (still crying) remembered me the salad of the lunch. Socrates drunk the cup of poison in respect… to human lows.

I don’t know, why it comes to my mind this concept: ‘Technological tins!’

Movie Director

“You don’t smoke, do you?” – a voice asked me and a packet of cigarettes was addressed towards me.
“No!” – I said.
“Neither alcohol?” – The curious voice continued with poor English.
“Neither alcohol!” – I replied quietly.
“Do you have a girlfriend?!”

“Unfortunately not!” – I said, showing an astonished expression on my face. He guffawed. His way of laughing infected also some others, who were listening to our conversation, and thus this coral laugh, seems to be a flock of ducks singing.

“Then what’s the meaning of life?” – the voice exploded out of his mouth, coming hardly between his old teeth and giving an interference with his special laugh, as if he was saying something interesting.

“But, I have just arrived…” – It was me again, trying to justify myself. My words full of despair couldn’t stop those people laughing.

It was a well-known verse. The words of The Director remembered me the three qualities of a student from that time when I used to be a student, but now they didn’t give me any pleasant taste.

We were living in a small camp, which was constructed with some one-storey, not so pretty buildings, in a rectangle block. The life was hard on that isolated place and we couldn’t breathe freely. But on the other hand of this wither deepness, we were trying to find any beautiful spiritual moment, which was like irreplaceable food due to our living.

* * *

It was Saturday. A weak sun was beaming after some clouds, and sometimes the clouds were so pitiless covering the whole sun. On those moments the wind became more cool and penetrated deep under our clothes. I was out accidentally, and my thin T-shirt seems to cool me much more. My nose began to drop some small drops of a fresh liquid, that’s why I had to use my napkin that I had somewhere in the back pocket of my trousers. With a very smoothly and easy move, I caught her on her waist and I said:

“Come and hide ourselves away from this place, which is exposed to the wind and to the people’s eyes…” It was strange in contrast to other days, all those indifferent people coming by were very polite now, and on those moments, I didn’t really need their politeness. She tried to avoid my hand, but suddenly she touched a blackberry bush and was almost tearing her socks, which were hiding two very beautiful slim legs.

“Don’t try to avoid my hand,” I said, “because… just blackberry bushes would wait for you…”
She laughed, and now it was my turn to laugh.
“Why do you look at me like that?” – She asked me, after our eyes were forgotten onto a vice-versa looking.
“Because you are looking me like that, too!” – I answered.

I felt I was doing a mistake. The most desirable and inevitable mistake in the world! She was on that age where a girl has much more fantasies and the desire to a man is mixed up with the ghost of a white horse’s knight. She stuck to my body and we walked together to hide us after the wall of the sports hall, of that little town.

Meanwhile, I touched her face, as we were so close, and afterwards her hair, which was plait very thin, just like an African woman hairs. Her hair disturbed her for sure, during the sleeping at night. Easily, I kissed her cheek. It was one of those kisses, which gives more meaning than a very rush one. Afterwards, I became more confident and began to kiss the permitted face, from eyelashes, eyebrows to the nose and at the end… her lips.

Everything was happening so easily, as if it didn’t want to spoil that peacefully and cleanly angel. But her fragile lips… I don’t know how they looked like… They gave me a wonderful feeling, mixed up with a flying dream. She felt warmly on my chest, like she was, with a rose color on her face, which gave me a very sweet taste of her well ripen fruits.

“I am dangerous,” – she whispered.
“Why? Do you want to hurt me?!”
“I am going to hurt your heart…” – she looked very deep into my eyes, and got confused.
“You have almost done it,” – I smiled.
A man was coming through. Fortunately, he didn’t watch at us at all.
“Oh, God!” – She called out, while the man was passing by.
“Do you know him?!” – I asked suddenly.
“It’s a friend of my father…”

But we didn’t interrupt our sin. The sin cannot be sinned. She needed to forget something, and I needed to get warmed apart from that cold wind. With a skillful move, like a ballet master, I took her body on my arms, I opened the door with the key that I had in my pocket and we entered into the body-buildings room. We lay down onto one of the sportive mattresses, and began to be more active and concerned to each-other… our breath began naturally to be more intensively…

From that day on, The Director couldn’t speak to me like he did before…


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