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    ‘The Siege of Shkodra’ by Marin Barleti (eng)

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    A historical book, written by Marin Barleti
    – translated & edited by David Hosaflook

    and has 320 pages.

    The Siege of Shkodra, a harrowing story published by Marin Barleti in 1504 in Venice, tells of that heroic and magnificent battle that the people of Shkodra did in the years 1474-1478 against an immense Turkish army under the leadership of Sultan Mehmet II.

    The Turkish army could not take the castle and the city of Shkodra, in the second Siege of Shkodra in 1478, where about 350 thousand Turkish soldiers participated. They were shamefully defeated by about 1,600 brave and trained soldiers from Shkodra, and several others, who defended the castle with heroism and piety. But then, Venice, which controlled Shkodra, gave the city to Sultan Mehmet II, after a peace agreement in 1479.

    The people from Shkodran who fought, refused to live under the barbaric yoke of the Turks, after the agreement was made, they all fled with their families to Venice, where the Venetian Senate immediately gave them citizenship and property as much as they had in their homeland.

    Shkodra and the people of Shkodra were massacred, to protect Christianity in Europe. Sultan Mehmet II, was defeated and stopped, but then Shkodra was sold by the Venetians, to its misfortune and that of its inhabitants, and today the high eZan of that time still exercises in the lands of Shkodra, alienating the Albanian population as well…

    Kruja fell after the death of the leader, Gjergj Kastrioti – Skënderbeu, but Shkodra did not fall at all, it was sold. The Battle of Shkodra restrained Sultan Mehmet II and his ambitions to rule the Christian countries in Europe.


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