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    ALBANIA – The Foundling State of Europe

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    ALBANIA – The Foundling State of EuropeWadham Peacock – 276 pages

    Digitized by the Internet Archive
    in 2008 with funding from
    IVIicrosoft Corporation


    I. In Europe and yet not of it …………….. 1
    II. The Gate of North Albania ……………… 9
    III. Scodra – the Albanian City which Montenegro
    Covets …………………………………. 34
    IV. Kavasses and Servants ………………… 52
    V. The Boulevard Diplomatique …………….. 62
    VI. The Vali Pasha and his Staff ………….. 75
    VII. The Roman Catholics of Scodra ………… 83
    VIII. The Commodore and his Fleet …………. 92
    IX. The Malissori Chief 104 X.
    Albanian Blood-Feuds 114 XI.
    In the Albanian Mountains ………………… 130
    XII. A Night in Ramazan ………………….. 142
    XIII. An Albanian Wedding 153 XIV.
    The Story of Albania 176 XV.
    Cutting Out the New Kingdom ………………. 204
    XVI. The Future of Albania 224 XVII.
    The Albanian Roman Catholic Church ………… 234

    Një kontribut nga Marjan Dodaj.


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